Our platform has been used by the US Army Special Operations Community, Psychological Operations (PSYOP), and Civil Affairs (CA) units, from the team to the battalion level at the Joint Readiness Training Center, National Training Center, and at civilian locations hosting mission readiness exercises.
Our platform can support multiple Special Operations mission-sets by using dynamic, exercise-specific content to produce a rich and scalable operational environment. This allows training audiences to conduct and assess:
Direct Action: Cyber reconnaissance, disruption, and exploitation facilitate isolation of objectives prior to and during direction action operations; publicly identifiable information collection and analysis to identify post-mission effects.
Counterterrorism: Our platform enables Special Operations units to develop an understanding of radicalization within populations and the socio-digital interactions and recruiting by threat actors.
Unconventional Warfare: Special Operations elements use our platform to develop an understanding seven phases of unconventional warfare, either over the horizon or on the ground to build and mobilize a resistance force in a denied area.
Foreign Internal Defense: Special Operations, PSYOP, and CA elements use our platform to identify map, engage, and assess hostile, neutral, and friendly networks in support of foreign internal defense training missions.
Psychological Operations: We provide PSYOP forces with a platform to train on target audience analysis and interactive internet activities in a closed-loop sandbox, entirely isolated from the live internet.
Civil Affairs: CA soldiers use our platform to conduct assessments and measure effects of friendly, hostile, and environmental factors in the human domain prior to and during training missions.
Special Operations Intelligence: IDS SMEs train Special Operations human intelligence soldiers to identify, assess, recruit, recontact, and task assets via clandestine communication in a secure digital training environment.
“Our digital natives get it. They see the power, they see the potential.” – Gen. Robert B. Abrams, USA, commander, U.S. Army Forces Command (after witnessing a demo during a cyber pilot at a combat training center)