SITE 525 Selected for Cyber Quest 2025
SITE 525 is announces that its innovative product, SITE (Synthetic Internet for Training and Exercises), has been selected to participate in Cyber Quest 2025. Hosted by the U.S. Army Cyber Center of Excellence at Fort Eisenhower, Georgia, Cyber Quest is a premier event that allows industry and academia to demonstrate leading-edge technologies aimed at enhancing cyber, electronic warfare (EW), and information warfare capabilities on the battlefield.
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C4ISRNET Explains How We Helped The US Army For First-of-its-kind Exercise
In the C4ISRNET article, “US Army conducts first-of-its-kind exercise for tactical information warfare unit”, IDS Solutions Architect, Amanda Lockwood, explains how units supporting the ECT are using IDS's proprietary information operations and cyber warfare training environment to conduct surveillance of potential targets.
“The teams tied together publicly available information via social media to inform operations in both the physical and virtual environments at Muscatatuck, which included targets' workstations, servers used to push propaganda, and physical recruiting meetings,” said Lockwood.

Featured On UWPP
IDS's proprietary information operations and cyber warfare training environment is highlighted in the current episode of Urban Warfare Project Podcast.
“(Social Media Environment Internet Replication) system, we can do IO campaigns, open source scraping….all social media and internet…instead of having 1,000 people typing and putting stuff in, we just turn this on and it populates all of that. We can tailor the messages and triggers, so a unit can exploit that.” Nicholas Marchuk
IDS operates and maintains the MUTC cyber range and agrees that it is, "legit....around the world, the best, urban training site."

IDS Wins Cybertropolis Contract
IDS’s fully functional cyber and information operations range was chosen as one of the technologies to be tested by the US Army during 2019 Cyber Blitz being held at Fort Dix, New Jersey. IDS is developing and delivering exercise relevant content within the replicated training environment including social media personas and content (e.g. posts, tweets, photos), fictious web content, and exercise role player and persona demographic themes.
Additionally, IDS is designing and developing the offensive and defensive cyber operational scenarios tied to software defined networking, virtualized network topology, and simulated traffic generation.

IDS Wins CTTSO Synthetic Internet Training Environment (SITE) Contract
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Featured in U.S. Army AT&L Magazine
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IDS International Announces Unrestricted Access To Training Content
IDS International has announced that all website content within our proprietary cyber and social media training environment will now be licensed, free of charge, to all government customers. Those currently using the product, and all future government customers who integrate, will have unrestricted access to all training content, allowing for rapid, turn-key training scenario deployment.
Request a demo to experience the power of our application and to learn about the purchasing/contracting methods available.

Highlighted in Peter Singer’s Latest Book
Peter Singer's new book delves into the weaponization of social media and includes the innovative ways we are helping to train soldiers. Peter currently serves on IDS’s advisory board and as a gift, the IDS community is receiving a 35% discount on LikeWar.
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